
Rich Dad, Poor Dad 金持ち父さん貧乏父さん

金持ち父さん貧乏父さん (原題 Rich Dad, Poor Dad)」 のオーディオブックレビューをお届けします。
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<オーディオブックタイトル>Rich Dad, Poor Dad
<難易度>初級 - 中級(初級 、中級、 上級でランク付け)カテゴリー ビジネスオーディオブック再生時間3h 5min.
<おすすめ度>☆☆☆☆☆ (☆1つから5つでランク付け)
<オーディオブック入手先>Audible(現在はiTunes で販売)Limited Time Offer - Get Your First 3 Months at Audible for $7.49/month!
このオーディオブックはアメリカ英語で、ナレーターはStephen Hoye、かつぜつもよく、ものすごく聴きやすいアメリカ英語を話す人です。最終的には、「豊かな金持ち」になることを目指しているのが、この本です。
Rich Dad シリーズは、このRich Dad,Poor Dad だけでなく、続きのシリーズが何冊も出ていますので、順次紹介していきます。今後もご期待ください。

Dad rich-poor father (original title of Rich Dad, Poor Dad) "audio book review To our customers. / / Click here to read English version of this review / / Rich Dad, Poor Dad Elementary - Intermediate (beginner, intermediate, advanced in rank) Business Categories Duration audiobooks 3 h 5min. ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ (☆ 1 ranking in five TSUKARA) Audible (currently on sale in iTunes) Limited Time Offer - Get Your First 3 Months at Audible for $ 7.49/month! Audible obtain other information about the article at the bottom of the section. Top the batter's success philosophy book, I read it, but many people have heard of a great book or the rich-poor father father. This audio book is, in many ways an eye-opener. It is the salaried workers change jobs but who knows who knows a calling, even though just a way of life of just one, to win the freedom of their own now have the common sense of it TOPPA the flexibility to do various things Should challenge. This audio book is in American English, the narrator Stephen Hoye, and hey, no less well, really easy to listen to American English speakers. Eventually, the "rich get rich" with the aim, which is in the book. Japan can be directly applied only saying that it does not, in any way concerned about future doubts about life if you are, you first listen to it once the strongest thing you hear it repeatedly Audiobooks worth, I think. Rich Dad series, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, as well as several more series of books out, it gradually introduced. We also expect KUDASAI

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